Well hello there! I am excited to launch my new blog. I have been giving a lot of thought lately to the questions "Who am I?" and "What am I about?" This is of course all an off-shoot of my continual journey to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. And really, well I think I am what I want to be when I grow up. It is just that I don't always know what to DO with that. And I do not always know what to call it.
Really, what do you call someone who is into creating art, photography, and documenting family stories, loves anything yummy or vintage, believes in trying to make the lives of my loved ones special, enjoys making the world around me prettier, hopes to inspire at least a person or two on my journey through life and attempts to keep my faith at the center of it all? Not exactly a narrow playing field I know. And so we come full circle. How's that you ask?
Well a few years ago - okay like 10 years ago now - I came up with a name for the little art business I was creating for myself. As it so happened, my art, well really a lot of my creativity, fell by the wayside for a number of years as I went through some life transitions. (It's funny how divorce, remarriage & childbearing can cause these things to happen) But now here I am 10 years later and asking myself all these fun little questions. And as I have uncovered the answers it has dawned on me that I have known the answers for far longer than I would have guessed. When I came up with the name "Artfully Said" 10 years ago I had no idea how much it really defined who I am and what I am about.
You see, "art" is defined as, "the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing or of more than ordinary significance." I was so excited when I read this definition. In fact, I got chills. I know it is the definition for art but isn't it also the definition of life itself? And really all I strive to do is say something with my life. And that, my friends, is the purpose of this blog. Oh and I came up with an all professional sounding "title" for what I am, "Creativity & Lifestyle Professional."
This blog is meant to share with you my creative endeavors and hopefully inspire you to have some yourself. It will feature lots of photos and stories and hopefully some bits of wisdom and whimsy that I pick up along the way. I want to get to know my readers so please if you're visiting me and reading my blog be sure to leave a comment occasionally and let me know you're out there. Otherwise I feel like I am talking to myself. Which I do but really I much prefer two-way conversation. I'm sure you understand.
And so. with no further ado (drum roll please....), we will launch this blog with a little give away and self promotion. The following images are a portion of what is to come on my pending Etsy store (www.artfullysaid.etsy.com). I would love to share a pretty or two with you. Look closely - there are clips for little girls and big girls alike.
Leave me a comment telling which is your favorite clippie, clippie set, or clippie flower. At the end of the weekend I'll pick a winner randomly out of a hat. No worries if you're far away - I will just pop them in the mail to you. Now if you don't win but you just have to have a clippie or two, just say the word. The non-flower clippies are 1 for $3 and 2 for $5. The flower clippies are $8 a piece. Have a wonderful weekend. Go live some art!